A cold rain cut short was the promise of a beautiful dawn. The thick mist exited from the forest and a foreboding gloom spread over the Von Hausen estate. Up in the attic video room Lukas purged any incriminating evidence from this files and stacks of videotapes. The pictures of Kurt and Vanessa along with Alex Brucken's reports blazed noxiously in the fireplace. The images furled up into ashes and black smoke crawled up the chimney.
He only saved the videos of Petra and packed them into a large carrying bag. Lukas scanned the room once for anything he might have forgotten, then shut off the lights and locked the door.
He was traveling light to the Cayman; the suit on his back, and a passport. He could buy a bathing suit at the hotel.
He whistled Verdi's FORZA DEL DESTINO and descended the stairs to Vanessa's room. He could have even given her some food, but then felt the bruises on his cheek and decided she deserved two more days without food.
"Liebschen, Ich gehe jetzt. Aren't you going to wish me 'bon voyage'?" Lukas shouted on without anticipating any response. "I will be gone a few days and, when I return, I will let you out, though only after fattening you up. I can't have you tell any lies about your loving husband. We can start all over. I hope you can feel the same way. I kiss you, my love."
Lukas put his ear to the door. No sign of life from within, so he said, "One more thing. I saw your Kurt the other day. He was down at the Fischmarkt. He took a girl to a hotel. They stayed all night. Just thought you would like to hear the news. Ciao, cara."
Lukas smiled upon hearing her cry. He had been a bad boy. Petra would take care of him for that, but his punishment would have to wait till his return as well.
Vanessa listened to her husband's footsteps fade down the hallway. She did not want to believe what he had said about Kurt, but her fairy tale had been over for some time now.
She tried the door, which was still firmly shut.
She was his prisoner and had no reserves left. Ten days of a no-food regime had wreaked tremendous changes in Vanessa's physiology. Her ribs strutted down her chest, her breasts had disappeared, and her legs were thin sticks of flesh and bones. Vanessa dropped to her knees and prayed for help with all her remaining strength.
She failed to get through 'Unser Vater in Himmel' and collapsed on the floor like Sleeping Beauty waiting a kiss to wake her up, though Vanessa feared whomever came through the door next would not be satisfied with only a kiss.
Life, unlike fairy tales, sometimes skips the happy endings.
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