Vanessa had lost track of time in a hunger-driven fever of reveries.
Every once in a while she hallucinated the door opening, but the sounds came from the shifting of the old house and she was beginning to think that she would never leave this bedroom. A car wheels crunched up the driveway. She prayed it was Kurt and weakly hobbled to the window.
An Audi sedan splashed through the rain puddles.
She banged on the rain-beaded glass and screamed for help, then the car pull up before the bunker. Whatever wasn't right about this picture got worse, when a blonde man in a leather suit exited from the car. She had seen him the fight between the American and him and sagged against the wall. He was not here to rescue her.
SS Tommy shut the door of the Audi, which he had stolen this morning from the parking lot near the Congress-Centrum. His own car was a half-kilometer away in a grassy meadow. The wet wind slopped through the trees and the raindrops wet his face. He checked the yard for anything odd, then lifted his eyes and caught sight of the blonde woman framed by the second-floor window. The blonde pimp smiled with his head filled with how much fun it would be to visit Lukas' wife later, but first he had to take out the trash.
The big man trudged through the thick underbrush to the bunker's secret entrance. He lifted the steel door and climbed down the concrete steps, his 9mm before him. While Willi was probably in no condition to put up a fight, but it never paid to take chances.
The hustler lay on the floor, a needle sticking out of his vein. For a second SS Tommy thought the little bastard might have OD'd, except he was still breathing. SS Tommy stuck the pistol behind his back and slapped the drugged youth's face, saying, "Wake up, you Schwule. I am not carrying you up the stairs. Get up on your feet before I kick the shit out of you."
Coming to slowly, Willi pulled the needle from his arm, muttering, "Shit, how many days have I been here?"
"Does it matter?"
"No, I guess I haven't missed anything." Willi tongued his swollen lower lip and felt a missing tooth without recalling the circumstances of its disappearance.
"No, you haven't, now get to your feet. You are going home." SS Tommy nudged Willi with his cowboy boot.
The junkie crinkled up his face, as he straightened up. His muscles were still bruised from his beating, but upon until seeing the grimace on the blonde pimp's face, Willi said, "I'm getting to my feet. Give me a minute."
SS Tommy waited impatiently, as the young junkie gathered himself, then sneered, "In a few hours you will be back with your boyfriend. I bet you will be happy about that."
"Yes, I can barely wait." The young junkie may have been loaded, but understood wherever the blonde pimp was going to take him was not home. Willi grabbed the used syringe off the floor and mustered whatever he could from his senses, for he would only get one chance to get away.
The two men climbed out of the bunker.
After three days in the dark, even the diffused sunlight hurt his eyes. Willi lifted his arm and cringed like a vampire meeting the sunrise. SS Tommy pushed him from behind and said, "Walk."
It was now or never.
He stumbled back into the pimp and swung his arm down, jabbing the syringe so hard that the needle snapped off in SS Tommy's thigh. The pimp's screamed and the teenager ran for the trees. No way SS Tommy could catch him, once he had a lead. Another twenty meters and he was in the forest.
SS Tommy shouted for him to stop.
Willi kept running.
Another second and he would be safe.
Whatever hit his shoulder knocked him face down into a puddle. Somehow SS Tommy had caught up with him. Willi choked upon breathing in two nostrils of dirty water. He rolled over on his back and groaned. A thick salty liquid swelled into his mouth and he coughed it out without being able to clear his lungs. A shadow filled his shrinking vision. Several seconds later, the young man expelled his last breath.
"Schiesse. You should not have run, you little queer." SS Tommy pulled the needle from his thigh and threw it into the underbrush. He kicked the hustler several times, but nothing was going to make him get up. "And now you're dead."
SS Tommy went to the Audi and took a big plastic bag from the trunk. He wrapped Willi inside the bag with electric tape, till he resembled a mummy. Lifting the corpse into the trunk, SS Tommy was struck by how heavy the body was, but then the dead always weighed more than the living.
Wiping the rain from his face, he spotted Lukas' wife by the window. Her witnessing this murder made her a bigger problem than before and one he would have to take care of immediately. When the blonde wraith vanished from the window, SS Tommy grabbed a crowbar from the trunk, then stomped to the mansion's front door. Where the needle had stuck into his thigh stung a little, but he knew a good way to kill the pain.
He smashed the crowbar against the window, only to have it bounce out of his hands. His several other attempts to shatter the glass failed as well as any effort to jimmy the door, which was reinforced with steel under the mahogany surface.
SS Tommy took out his 9mm and fired once. The bullet ricocheted into the woods. The mansion was impregnable and he didn't have any more time to waste on cracking this egg. From what Lukas had told him, Vanessa was going nowhere. This bonus would be much more pleasurable after the wait, one with whom he could take his time, until he had to get rid of her. Even that would be fun.
Today was still going to be a big day.
And for some it would be their last.
But not him.
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